How many of the Magic Shop magicians named in the book belonged to Hollywood's Magic Castle?
Mark Neynaber
Jim Everett
Chuck Lucas
Bob Gordon
Jim Turner
Bruce Edwards
Pro wrestler Tor Johnson's mask was one our biggest sellers. In what 1950s cult horror film did he appear?
Plan 9 From Outer Space
Directed by Ed Wood
The large rubber iguana that rested on top of the cash register was not for sale. What was it used for?
The Color Changing Iguana trick. As guests leaned in to watch the transformation, it suddenly leaped out at them!
Comedian Steve Martin worked in the Disneyland magic shops in the early 1960s. How old was he when he started?
What was really inside those jars labled Candy-covered Bugs?
What else?
A 14-year-old, having just watched a magic demonstration, remarked...
"That's just an obstacle illusion."
"Do you have crystal balls?" a guest would ask about those fortune-telling orbs. What replies did you offer?
1. "No. But I have a wooden leg."
2. "No. But I have a glass jaw."
3. "No. Do you?"
Guests often forgot the name for Mystic Smoke, a smoke-from-your-fingertip trick. What variations did you hear?
Mystery Smoke
Smoke Stuff
Finger Smoke
Mystic Mist
Monster Smoke
Mustard Soap
We sold realistic-looking sponge rocks. When people asked what they were made of, what did you tell them?
"Foam rubber. But most people take them for granite."
A guest once complained that a particular trick was inappropriate to perform for children. What was it?
The Mutliplying Rabbit trick. When you close your hand around Mama and Papa rabbit, opening it reveals 5 baby bunnies!
Besides the magic shops in Fantasyland and Main Street, a third shop existed on Disney property. Where was it?"
The Disneyland Hotel
(1956 - 1965)
A guest walked into an empty Magic Shop and asked, "What ride is this?"
"The Magic Shop ride," replied the host.
After a long pause the guest said, "When does it start?"
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